Step 1: Enter Bill Details
Navigate to the Bills section in Truss.
Click Add Bill.
Enter the required bill details, including:
Vendor information
Payment amount
Choose a Payment Method (ACH, Check, or payment link).
Step 2: Submit for Approval
Once all details are entered, click Request Approval.
The bill status will now show as Pending Approval.
The account Admin will be notified that a bill requires approval. There will be a notification in their Truss Dashboard and via Email.
Step 3: Admin Review and Approval
The Admin can filter bills by Pending Approval status to locate submitted bills.
Upon clicking on the bill, they can review each bill’s details to ensure accuracy.
If approved, the Admin can authorize and send payment directly within Truss.
Step 4: Managing Permissions for Admin Access
Users who need both Admin and Bookkeeper permissions must add another user with a unique email to the team with the Bookkeeper role.
This allows toggling between roles as needed to enter bills and approve them.